Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm not dead

Contrary to what you may believe from my lack of posts on here, I can confirm that I'm not dead - I just kind of fancied a break from blogging. Okay, more than a break - a sabbatical if you will. Until my break, I'd been blogging continuously for almost a decade in various different forms and I kind of just felt it was time to back away from the computer for a while.

Anyway, there's good news for all of you die hard enthusiasts. While I may not be posting on here very often any more, for the next month I'm doing a little fashion challenge over on tumblr. For thirty days, I will be attempting to wear a different pair of shoes from my collection rather than the same four pairs that I seem to wear over and over. Some of you might remember The Great Shoe Cull of 2009, which will go some way to showcasing my rapid shoe buying habit.

So for the next month, please redirect yourselves over to:

...and I promise that I'll try to come back here soon.

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